Spring Boot With Kafka Communication

Amrut Prabhu
3 min readDec 16, 2021

In this article, we will be looking into how we can publish and subscribe to a Kafka topic.


Kafka over the years has gained a lot in popularity for its high throughput and real-time asynchronous messaging. It's considered a de facto standard for streaming events and provides fault-tolerant storage that is stable, reliable, and scalable.

So today we will be looking into how we can communicate with Kafka from a Spring Boot application to send and receive messages or events.

Creating a Producer

Let’s go to https://start.spring.io and create an application adding the spring-kafka dependency as below.


Now let’s create a producer that will send messages to a Kafka topic.

public class KafkaProducer {

private String topicName;

private KafkaTemplate kafkaTemplate;

public KafkaProducer(KafkaTemplate kafkaTemplate) {
this.kafkaTemplate = kafkaTemplate;

@Scheduled(cron = "*/2 * * * * *")
public void sendMessage() {
UUID key = UUID.randomUUID();
Message payload = new Message("jack");
System.out.println("Sending Data " + payload);

ProducerRecord<String, Message> record = new ProducerRecord<String, Message>(topicName,


Here I have created a producer which is scheduled to send a message every 2 secs. To send the message, we are making use of the KafkaTemplate.

To send the message to the right Kafka broker, we need to provide some configuration. For this, we are going to add some config settings in the properties file as follows.

- localhost:9092
client-id: my-client-consumer
group-id: spring-application-group
key-deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
value-deserializer: com.amrut.prabhu.kafkacommunicationservice.dto.converters.MessageDeSerializer
client-id: my-client-application
key-serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
value-serializer: com.amrut.prabhu.kafkacommunicationservice.dto.converters.MessageSerializer

name: "first-topic"

The Properties may look garbled here, But you can view it in a cleaner manner on my website https://refactorfirst.com

Here, we have set the broker properties, the value serializer, and the deserializer properties. You can find all supported properties in this class org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.kafka.KafkaProperties.

Now, Since I am using a custom message class, I need to provide a custom serializer and deserializer for sending and receiving the message.

The Serializer and Deserializers are pretty simple. You need to implement the org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serializer and org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer as follows.

public class MessageSerializer implements Serializer<Message> {

private final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

public byte[] serialize(String topic, Message data) {
try {
return objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(data);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new SerializationException(e);

public class MessageDeSerializer implements Deserializer<Message> {

private final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

public Message deserialize(String topic, byte[] data) {
try {
return objectMapper.readValue(data, Message.class);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SerializationException(e);

Creating a Consumer

Along with the producer, we have set up some consumer properties. So let's create a consumer for the topic.

public class KafkaConsumer {

@KafkaListener(id = "my-client-application", topics = "${topic.name}")
public void consumer(ConsumerRecord<String, Message> consumerRecord) {
System.out.println("Consumed Record Details: " + consumerRecord);
Message message = consumerRecord.value();
System.out.println("Consumed Message" + message);

Here we have created a component, with a method annotated with KafkaListener. This method will be invoked whenever there is a message on the Kafka topic.

So with this let's start the application.

java -jar \ 

When we run the application, it sends a message every 2 seconds and the consumer reads the message.

You can find more config options in the documentation here.


In this article, We saw how we can read and send messages on a Kafka topic using Spring-Kafka.

In my next article, I would be using Spring Cloud Streams to communicate with Kafka.

So make sure you subscribe to my newsletter on https://refactorfirst.com to know when I publish it. Also, follow me on Twitter for more such articles.

I have uploaded the code on GitHub.




Amrut Prabhu

Java, Spring, Kubernetes, Software Craftsman, Tech Enthusiast. I run https://refactorfirst.com to post all my articles